Hi, I was depressed and have a.d.d.

I discovered sertraline many years ago ( Now 85), and discovered LIFE. Thank God for modern medicine and chemistry.

I understand your difficulties of understanding and relating to people. Not personally, but from knowing others who are on the "spectrum".

I wish you the best of luck.

I was introduced to you by Dan Pirraro

Dr. Bernard Miller (Bernie), Pharmacist

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Thanks, Bernard! It's encouraging to hear that about sertraline. Thanks for stopping by!

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Let's talk about brain chemistry and genetics. Actually, you go google those topics. I'll just say that bi-polar and anxiety disorders go back in my mom's and dad's families for generations. One of my aunts heard voices in the wind. On the other hand, most of us have abilities that some people would perceive as alchemical or magical. Be that as it may, I go for long brisk walks outdoors so that I can sleep at night. And, I am a writer: marysojourner.com

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I love walking. Thanks for the thoughts. I agree about the "magical" abilities.

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Yep. Plenty of info on the gradation between creativity and schizophrenia, bipolar, and/or depression. A succinct intro is "Secrets of the Creative Brain" Atlantic (magazine) Jul/Aug 2014 by Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen.

Those of us who've had encounters with the Transcendent and/or the impossible hear and see something other than consensus reality. Similar for experiences of forms of nature mysticism. Also for creative inspiration. Then there's what I call repeating tape loops--the nasty, nagging little imps who bring up your failures and horrible self beliefs.

The key is discernment. The positive or helpful or useful voices/appearances taken as provisionally true; a retaining bit of skepticism is healthy. (We all process through brain, mind, habits, social situation, heritage, so then through lenses.) The negatives aren't always wrong--sometimes they're a warning not to do something. And depression is to a point a realistic assessment of the current econ/political human world. But the Earth itself is about biological exuberance, symbiosis, and diversity greater than its dark aspects of destruction and death. The cosmological constants are another hint.

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Landed here via the Jazz Pickle boat. Looks like a pretty cool place!

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Thanks for stopping by! Love the account name.

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I used to go by "Donut" everywhere, but on one platform that name was taken. "Boy," I said, I sure am mad! I'm one...Frosted Donut!"

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Also here via the same flotation device.

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Hi. I see what you see. I have my stuff here. www.fonaklap.hu/kozmo

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Good to know.

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Just lovely.

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Thanks, Cy!

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What a great way to tell that story. Very funny and heartfelt.

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Thanks, Marijke!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Milgy...even though I hate the Holidays!

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Thanks, my friend.

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